Love you, love your home


These days, the concept of self-love is a popular one. We practice it (sometimes), we preach it. But what would you say if we told you that the design of your home could also be an extension of self-love? Bear with us while we explain.

Home to us, is sacred.  It is where we invite our friends and family, to share time, meals, laughter and life. It’s where we bring our babies home from the hospital. It is where we retreat to when we grieve.  And it’s where we go to for recovery, recuperation and relaxation. 

As the world closed its doors against a pandemic, our homes became a safe haven where we could simply breathe.

We all have very simple, basic needs as human beings. Warmth, protection, safety. 

But why aren’t we designing homes that nurture all of our needs?

In Australia, less than 5% of our housing is designed by an architect. As architects, and as residents of our city in particular, we find that astounding. 

Without design, our houses become a wall of cookie-cutter versions of the exact same idea. Insert four bedrooms, 2.5 bathrooms, 2 living rooms, double garage, and aim for maximum site coverage. There’s little to no concern for the story of the people who call them home

Instead, our homes should inspire us. Every room should bring you happiness.

So, treat your home as an extension of yourself. Fill it with meaningful spaces, and foster creativity – however you choose to express it. Have areas that feel like an embrace, rather than fitting yourself into an area. Create a haven for yourself, and your family.